
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

New Madrid Fault Revisited

For some of my readers who have been following this blog for a long time, they may remember that I used to blog on the New Madrid fault on a regular basis.  For new readers, the New Madrid fault runs right up the middle of the United States.  200 years ago the fault fractured and caused the largest earthquake in US history.  If that same size earthquake were to happen today in America it could literally bring our nation to an instant standstill.  The damage to infrastructure would be unimaginable.  Even FEMA says on their website that a repeat of that size of quake would be by far the most expensive disaster to ever hit America.

Today we find the headlines of New Madrid back in the prophecy news.

A Whole Lot Of Shaking Going On: Mt Rainier & New Madrid Fault

Mt. Rainier and the New Madrid fault zone are both shaking, and a catastrophic seismic event at either location would cause death and destruction on an unimaginable scale.  

Mt. Rainier in Washington State has been called "one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world", and scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before a major eruption occurs.  

When that day finally arrives, Mt. Rainier has the potential to bury hundreds of square miles with a colossal tsunami of super-heated mud that is literally several hundred feet deep.  And since Mt. Rainier is very close to major population centers, we are talking about the potential for the worst disaster that we have seen in modern American history. 

But a massive earthquake along the New Madrid fault zone actually has the potential to be far worse.  A very deep scar under the ground that was created when North America was originally formed has made that part of the country very mechanically weak, and many experts believe that a big enough earthquake along that fault zone could literally rip the United States in half.

But before we discuss the New Madrid fault zone, let's talk about what just happened at Mt. Rainier first.

According to the USGS, Mt. Rainier was hit by a magnitude 3.6 earthquake on Sunday afternoon...

And as I mentioned earlier, a major earthquake along the New Madrid fault zone has the potential to create even greater death and destruction.

According to scientists, the New Madrid fault zone sits directly above a very deep geological scar that was created when North America was formed.  According to Wikipedia, this immense scar makes "the Earth's crust in the New Madrid area mechanically weaker than much of the rest of North America".

Today, the New Madrid fault zone is approximately six times bigger than the San Andreas fault zone in California.  It covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi, and the largest earthquakes in the lower 48 states have happened in this region.

In 1811 and 1812, four absolutely massive earthquakes along the New Madrid fault zone opened up very deep fissures in the ground, they caused the Mississippi River to actually run backwards in certain places, and they were reportedly felt as far away as Washington D.C. and Boston.

Fortunately, very few people populated the region in those days, but if such a quake happened today the death and destruction would be unimaginable.  The following description of one of the quakes that happened in 1811 comes from, and for a moment I would like for you to imagine what would happen if such an earthquake happened in our time...

The Midwest was sparsely populated, and deaths were few. But 8-year-old Godfrey Lesieur saw the ground "rolling in waves." Michael Braunm observed the river suddenly rise up "like a great loaf of bread to the height of many feet." Sections of riverbed below the Mississippi rose so high that part of the river ran backward. Thousands of fissures ripped open fields, and geysers burst from the earth, spewing sand, water, mud and coal high into the air.


Jesus told us that earthquakes in various places would be one of the signs that he was going to come back to earth.

We modern humans like to believe that we are now in total control of our own destiny.  We believe there is NOTHING we can't do if we all put our collective minds together!  We can even change the weather and thicken the polar ice to stop global warming!!….or so we falsely believe.

In reality we are living on a molten ball that is spinning around at 1000 mph and hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour in our annual trip around the sun.  We are in control of nothing.

It will all end when Jesus, the Creator of it all, says so.

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