
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Israel Ranked 8th Most Powerful Nation on Earth

Have you read Ezekiel 37 lately?  Can there be any doubt that God has regathered His people, the Jews, from all the nations of the earth and put them back in the land that he promised their forefathers?  Can there be any doubt that he has made them an exceedingly powerful nation?

Israel Ranked 8th Most Powerful Country in the World Throughout 2019

In a recent ranking by ‘The Spectator Index’, Israel is ranked as the 8th most powerful country in the world. Additionally, the Jewish state was ranked 29th on the world’s best countries list by a report that was conducted earlier in 2019. As for their power ranking, the countries that outrank Israel, according to this Survey, are the US, Russia, China, Germany, the UK, France, Japan-in this exact order. Following Israel is Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The power ranking is determined based on five key elements-military strength, economic impact, political impact, a nation’s leader, and worldwide alliances. Regarding Israel, a report released earlier in 2019 stated, “For its relatively small size, the country has played a large role in global affairs. The country has a strong economy, landmarks of significance to several religions, and strained relationships with many of its Arab neighbors.”

Of course, the primary reason for “strained” relationships with countries in the region, comes from the hostility of these other nations who would prefer that the Jewish state simply didn’t exist. As for many religions claiming significant landmarks, the land of Israel only supports the existence of one Being-the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God of Israel.

On a 1-10 scale, Israel’s military scored a 9.9. As for their alliances around the world, a 6.5. The Jewish state’s political influence scored a 7.6.


And to think this has all been done in the last 70 years!  And its been done with only about 7 million people!

The stage has certainly been set for the fulfillment of the numerous unfulfilled prophecies that evolve around the Jewish state.

"Joy to the world!  The Lord has come!  Let earth receive her King!"

Are we the generation that could see all these things come to pass?

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