
Monday, December 2, 2019

UN Chief Says Humanity's "War Against Nature" Must Stop

It does make perfect sense to the leftist, liberal and godless folk out there.  In their minds Mother Nature spawned life billions of years ago on planet earth and has been evolving millions of life species here ever since.  But as soon as man evolved from monkeys, Mother Nature has been having a serious problem.  She has no problem with actual monkeys since they don't mistreat her, but the evolved monkeys called HUMANS have really started to make a huge mess.  They drink water from plastic bottles, they drive cars burning fossil fuels billions of miles, they bag their groceries in plastic, they fertilize their farm fields and let it run into the streams, they raise cows on huge farms that fart all day long depleting the ozone, etc...

Now the liberal, godless United Nations is warning all the humans that this war against nature must stop!

The devastating impact of global warming that threatens humanity is a pushback from Nature under assault, UN chief Antonio Guterres warned Sunday ahead of a key climate conference.

"For many decades the human species has been at war with the planet, and now the planet is fighting back," he said, decrying the "utterly inadequate" efforts of the world's major economies to curb carbon pollution.

"We must stop our war against nature, and science tells us we can do it."

Guterres flagged a UN report to be released in a few days confirming the last five years are the warmest on record, with 2019 likely to be the second hottest ever.

"Climate-related disasters are becoming more frequent, more deadly, more destructive," he said on the eve of the 196-nation COP25 climate change talks in Madrid.

Every year, air pollution associated with climate change kills seven million people, he noted, adding that human health and food security are at risk.

The UN chief's comments were clearly aimed at the handful of countries responsible for more than half of global greenhouse gas emissions, though he did not call them out by name.

President Donald Trump has set in motion the process that would see the United States withdraw from the Paris deal by the end of the year, and other major emitters -- China, India, Russia and Brazil -- have given scant indication that they will deepen their commitments.

Guterres singled out the European Union as playing a constructive role, saying the 28-nation bloc could help lead the way towards a net-zero global economy by 2050.

The Paris Agreement calls for capping global warming at under two degrees Celsius, and 1.5C if feasible.

But current national pledges -- if carried out -- would see global temperatures rise by at least 3C, a recipe for human misery, according to scientists.


Of course Bible readers see things much differently.  We believe that God created humans in His image.  We also believe that "as long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."  God said it so we believe it! 

We know that earthquakes might increase, along with flood, famine, drought, pestilence, ice melting, strange tornadoes in Arizona and a whole host of other strange weather phenomenon may be taking place.  But mankind is not going to vacate planet earth until God says so.  We are told to care for the earth but not worship the earth.

Can you see how a large cheer is going to ring out on planet earth once all the Bible believers who have accepted Christ as the ONLY way of salvation suddenly vanish?  There will be no one left to stop the quest to have a single government to rule on these issues and to stop the scourge of humans on earth once and for all!

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