
Friday, January 17, 2020

45 yr Old Man Identifies as 8 yr Old Girl

This actually makes a lot of sense.  If the Left says that gender is fluid then certainly age has to be fluid too.  If you disagree then you are transagephobic, so quit it!

A 45-year-old man caught with child pornography had a novel defense in court; he claimed he identified as an 8-year-old girl.

“I’ve always been an 8-year-old girl, and even in my drawings and fantasies I’m always an 8-year-old girl,” said Gobrick.

“If Gobrick can identify as a female, why can’t he identify as a female of whatever age he chooses?” asks Matt Walsh.

“At least a man who “feels like a child” can rightly point out that he was once a child, so he has some frame of reference for judging these feelings. And at least it does make sense, in the case of certain mental disabilities, to say that an adult “has the brain of a child.”
“None of this vindicates Gobrick to any extent at all, but my point is that transageism is actually more credible and makes more sense than transgenderism. It’s still bogus, but slightly less so. Age does change, after all. I will not be a 33-year-old man forever. But I will be a man forever. If my sex is a fluid characteristic, how much more fluid must my age be?”
Who knows, the way western society is heading, Gobrick’s excuse may well be accepted by courts in 5-10 years.
If Rachel Dolezal can identify as black and Caitlyn Jenner can identify as a woman having been a man for over 50 years, why not?

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