
Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Rise of Gog?

Lots of prophecy watchers have wondered if Putin could be Gog mentioned in Ezekiel 38. With his recent moves he is now going to be making all decisions for Russia. It would appear that he has taken one big step forward in potentially fulfilling this biblical role.

The entire Russian government led by former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev resigned after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech on constitutional reform, Reuters reported. Medvedev said, this was "to give President Vladimir Putin room to carry out the changes he wants to make to the constitution."

Medvedev stated the constitutional reforms presented by Putin would make significant changes to the country's balance of power and so "the government in its current form has resigned".

"All further decisions will be taken by the president," Medvedev added.

The announcement came during Putin's annual state of the nation address during which he proposed changes to the Russian constitution that would give Parliament a more powerful role.

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