
Monday, January 20, 2020

Thousands of Muslims Scream Battle Cry on Temple Mount

The heathens are raging...

On Friday, Breaking Israel News reported on a Hamas ‘Prayer’ rally that quickly evolved into a violent riot.  Approximately 8,000 Muslim Arabs descended upon the Temple Mount and the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Something else that happened, that was largely unreported was that during the incident, thousands of those participating in the riot chanted slogans threatening a holy was with Israel yelling: “Jews! the army of Al-Aksa (mosque) is returning!”

They also chanted mantras implying a bloody war to retake the Temple Mount screaming: with spirit, with blood, we will free Al-Aksa!”

According to channel 13, the violent chants were heard as the rioters were exiting the Temple Mount complex.

The footage from the riot also reveals many of the participants shouting in Arabic, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning.” This is a reference to a seventh-century massacre of Jews at the hands of Muslims in the Saudi Arabian town of Khaybar.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, a 50-year-old Arab woman tried to stab Israeli police officers:


The Bible clearly tells us that Jerusalem will be the focal point of all the earth in the very Last Days.

And now with 40 world leaders, including VP Pence, set to descend on Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th year of liberating Aushwitz. the city is really coming into focus.

The 3rd Temple WILL BE BUILT even if all the heathens in the world decide to rage.  And rage they will.

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