
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Here Comes the Long Awaited Peace Plan!

The Bible tells us when the Antichrist comes he will confirm a peace plan with Israel.  Some watchers believe he will make the peace plan, while others believe he will confirm a plan that was already laid out or maybe even in place.  I guess we can't know for sure.  But what we do know is that the world is talking about peace between Israel and the enemies that surround her.

So this could be one more sign of the lateness of the day.

WASHINGTON – The entire US peace team – Jared Kushner, Avi Berkowitz and Brian Hook – are headed to Israel and expected to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz, The Jerusalem Post has confirmed.
Axios first reported on Sunday that Kushner is expected to arrive in Israel to take part in the international holocaust forum and to meet Netanyahu and Gantz. Now, special representative for international negotiation Berkowitz and special representative for Iran Hook, who is also part of the peace team, are expected to join him as well.

It is not clear if there are any other meetings planned, as the three would arrive in Israel while dozens of foreign leaders are visiting the country. The team also expected to attend the economic forum in Davos on Tuesday, as the group discusses with world leaders the possible move.
The administration is seriously considering releasing the peace plan before Israel's election in March. The team is aware that a decision should be taken in the upcoming days to avoid rolling out the document too close to the elections in Israel.
The team also considers the Senate impeachment trial that is currently underway. It is hard to imagine a scenario in which the team reveals the plan before the trial is over.


We will state it again, but Jerusalem is surely becoming the focus of planet earth...exactly as the Bible said it would be.

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