
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Dollars Central Role in Global System

65% of all US dollars are held by people outside the United States. It is still the worlds main reserve currency by a long shot. If you want safety then hold US dollars. But we also know that the dollar is only supported by the “full faith and confidence” of the US government. So faith is now the only thing holding up the entire global financial system. It will collapse one day and make way for the system controlled by the Antichrist. But please remember that a weakening dollar can be very good for our economy because it makes our products more affordable to the rest of the world. A weakening dollar could prop up the bull market for 2020.
Storm clouds are gathering over the U.S. dollar, threatening a two-year rally in the currency that has squeezed corporate profits and angered President Donald Trump.

Because of the dollar’s central role in the global financial system, gauging its path is important for corporations and investors. Over the last several years, the currency has withstood a number of factors that analysts believed would pull it lower, including a dovish turn by the Federal Reserve and fears of a U.S. growth slowdown.
Easing worries over global trade and Brexit are stoking investor appetite for risk, pushing them out of safe haven assets like the dollar, said Mark McCormick, global head of foreign exchange strategy at TD Securities.

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