
Monday, January 6, 2020

Angry Muslims Continue to Cut Off Christian Heads While The West Goes Back to Sleep

Muslim terror group cut the heads off of 11 Christians in Nigeria and filmed it for Christmas and yet the Pope says nothing about it, Germany vows to fight climate change and the UN continues to demonize Israel while ignoring the Christian genocide happening all around.

There has been no outrage in the West about cutting off Christian heads, only silence, interrupted by "Allahu Akbar", gunshots and bombs. The history books of the future will not look kindly this Western betrayal -- depending on who writes them. The end of the Christians of the East will be a disaster for the Church in the West. They will no longer have anyone living in their own cradle of civilization.

What would we be reading if, for instance, Christian terrorists had stopped a bus, separated the passengers according to their faith, ordered the Muslims to convert to Christianity and then murdered 11 of them? The opposite just happened in Kenya. What did we read? Nothing. On December 10, the Islamic terrorist group Al Shabaab stopped a bus in northern Kenya, then murdered only those who were not Muslims. We Westerners are usually moved by the persecution of this or that minority; why never for our Christians?

The Christianophobia of the Muslim extremists who massacre Christians in Middle East and Africa is central to a totalitarian ideology that aims to unify the Muslims of the ummah (the Islamic community) into a Caliphate, after destroying the borders of national states and liquidating "unbelievers" -- Jews, Christians, and other minorities as well as "Muslim apostates". Nigeria is now at the forefront of that drama.

"Nigeria is now the deadliest place in the world to be a Christian", noted Emmanuel Ogebe, an attorney.

"What we have is a genocide. They are trying to displace the Christians, they are trying to possess their land and they are trying to impose their religion on the so-called infidels and pagans who they consider Christians to be".

The West goes back to sleep. "The West opened its borders without hesitation to refugees from Muslim countries fleeing war", wrote the economist Nathalie Elgrably-Lévy. "This seemingly virtuous Western solidarity is nevertheless selective and discriminatory". Persecuted Christians have been abandoned by the Western governments and public squares.


It's amazing yet not surprising since Jesus warned us.  "Don't be surprised when the world hates all of you followers of me.  They hated me first.

And yet my liberal friends who insist on calling themselves Christians continue to INSIST that these Muslims who behead Christians are worshiping the same God as they are.

"Oh Dennis, there is only ONE GOD so it really doesn't matter if you want to call him Allah, Yaweh, Krishna, Buddha, Mammon, Baal, Astheroth or Jesus!  When humans cry out to God, He answers all their pleas regardless of what they call him!"

If I ask these folks if they have ever read their Old Testaments in the Bible I will sometimes get, "No, we don't spend much time there at all.  Jesus came to bring love for all so we spend our time in the New Testament."

More evidence that I believe the "Great falling away" mentioned in prophecy is being foreshadowed as we watch our news everyday.

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