
Monday, January 6, 2020

Aliens Exist and Could be Among Us

"Aliens" are in the headlines again today.

If you believe that life on earth started from non-life and then evolved into the millions of life forms we see on earth, then it is TOTALLY LOGICAL to believe that the same non-life forces would have evolved millions of other life forms on millions of other planets.

Of course Bible readers know that's NOT how life started on earth.

Bible readers also know that God created other intelligent life forms that are even greater than humans.  They are called angels.

So when we see lights in the skies and even flying saucers or other shapes of flying ships, Bible readers know they aren't "aliens" from other planets, they are simply the same old demons who have been plaguing mankind for 6000 years.

Further, we are 100% positive that the belief in "aliens" by such a huge percentage of the world, will have something to do with the last days "delusion" that will come upon all the people left behind at the rapture of the church.

Aliens definitely exist, Britain's first astronaut has said -- and it's possible they're living among us on Earth but have gone undetected so far.

Helen Sharman, who visited the Soviet Mir space station in 1991, told the Observer newspaper on Sunday that "aliens exist, there's no two ways about it."

"There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life," she went on. "Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not."

Then, in a tantalizing theory that should probably make you very suspicious of your colleagues, Sharman added: "It's possible they're here right now and we simply can't see them."

Sharman was the first of seven Britons to enter space.

A former Pentagon official who led a secret government program to research potential UFOs, revealed in 2017, told CNN at the time that he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.



  1. Very interesting and excellent post. Keep it up!

    As a fellow bible reader!, I'm just wondering where the following is interpreted from, "bible readers know they aren't "aliens" from other planets, they are simply the same old demons who have been plaguing mankind for 6000 years." Just trying to understand the concrete connection between essentially unknown entities recorded and "the same old demons." Looking for some guidance here!

    Excellent stuff again! :)

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    while there is no chapter in the Bible that I could point you too that talks about this topic, there is plenty of study to be done on the topic from great Christian writers. I have simply connected the dots of scripture with what the "aliens" are actually doing and saying and have simply concluded that today's "aliens" are simply the demons that have been plaguing men for the past 6000 yrs of human history. The most obvious clue is that if you go to the websites where the "aliens" are channeling through humans (demonic) to communicate their message, they will attack Jesus and any people who believe the "ancient book". Really? You are telling me that you are going to travel from across the universe and the first thing you are going to tell me is that Jesus isn't really God and that there are tons of other life all through the universe that "evolved" from non-life...exactly as the godless are telling us here on earth? Also check out the pictures and research on CATTLE MUTILATIONS and you will quickly arrive at the same conclusion that SATAN is cooking something TERRIFYING that will break out AFTER the rapture of the church. The "ALIEN AGENDA" is to deceive mankind and lead them all AWAY from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Remember what Paul said in Galatians 1, "...even if an angel (fallen angel) were to show up and tell you another Gospel-which is really no Gospel at all-may he be cursed to hell." So what exactly is an angel? By definition it could be an "alien" because it's not a human, its not from planet earth, it's alive, it's smart and they can seemingly appear and disappear from our planet. Also they can communicate with humans as seen in the Bible.
    Hope that helps to get you started. Blessings on your research!
