
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

If Trump Had Killed Hitler the Left Would Have Protested

The breathless and clueless Left and their media sidekicks are all panicked about USA killing one of the world’s top terrorists. Meanwhile the Arab world, (Sunni Muslims) are handing out cigars as are MOST Iranians!  With the killing of Sueliman it is very possible that the Iranian Mullahs reign of power will come to an end.  The majority of Iranian people don’t want to be ruled by Islamic radicals. The mosques are empty in Iran.  Christianity is sweeping the nation and they want change.  Donald Trump and his missile attack (allowed by God) may have been the key that opens the door to freedom for these poor Persians.
Hollywood again demonstrated its ignorance when leading Tinseltown personalities publicly mourned the successful assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

This while most of the Arab Middle East, which had suffered terribly as a result of the Persian jihadist’s schemes, celebrated his demise.

Hollywood liberals obviously have little clue about the realities of the situation. They just don’t like President Trump, and so anything he does is automatically a blight on all humanity.

A similar situation exists in Israel, even if it’s less pronounced.

But when it came to allowing partisan politics to whitewash a blood-soaked killer and delegitimize his assassination, at least one Israeli news anchor was finally fed-up.

“Enough!” shouted Channel 12 News senior analyst Ehud Ya’ari in response to left-wing criticism of the American action. “Your interpretations are pathetic and infuriating. So you are leftists, and you hate Trump and Netanyahu, but have you no limits? A modern-day Hitler was eliminated yesterday and you are complaining about it? At least half of the people today understand that you have lost every bit of relevance you may have still had.”

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