
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Iran Raises “End of Days” Flag Over Mosque

We haven’t blogged on Islam’s coming Messiah that they call the Mahdi in quite some time. But suddenly this character is appearing in the headlines again. He is also referred to as “The 12th Imam”.  Muslim Satanic deception teaches its followers that this dude is gonna come back with the Muslim version of Jesus and together they will kill all the people on earth who aren’t Muslims.  And my ignorant Liberal friends who call themselves Christians INSIST that Muslims are worshipping the same Jesus that we are.  Talk about delusion...
A chilling sight appeared on Sunday as a red flag, symbolizing a call for vengeance, appeared over the Holy Dome Jamkarān Mosque in Qom, Iran. The call has end-of-days significance as the mosque is dedicated to the “Final Imam” the Shiite Muslims believe is the Mahdi, the messianic figure that will appear alongside Isa, the Muslim Jesus, killing all the infidels in order to prepare the world for the ultimate arrival of the Messiah.

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