
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

First Reactions to Trump's DEAL OF THE CENTURY

Of course we have to see the picture of Arab's burning photos of Trump and Netanyahu with Bic lighters in the streets of Gaza.  Yawn!  They are always yelling or screaming about something.

But  best selling author, Joel Rosenberg, is initially impressed as he gives us all a brief summary of what's going on and what the peace plan actually says.  This is pretty amazing. 

(Jerusalem, Israel) — Historic. Dramatic. Highly controversial. And full of surprises. That’s how I’d characterize the roll out of the so-called “Deal of the Century.”
EXCLUSIVE FIRST ARAB REACTION: Just received a text from a senior Arab Muslim official in the region who was watching the White House event live in his home country.
Called it a “very smart introduction to the Deal of the Century.”
Liked that President Trump is “mentioning the two states and sending a caring message to the Palestinians.”
Said “there is a need to gain the hearts and the minds of the general Palestinian people — they don’t see any future for themselves right now.”

Okay, some facts, then some analysis:
Here’s the full 181-page plan — including first detailed maps ever released.
President Trump called plan “win-win” with a “realistic” plan and pathway for “two states.” Called Israel a “light to the nations,” referencing Scripture. Said the Palestinian people deserve better than they have.
President said Israel will control the Jordan Valley, keep all its settlements in Judea and Samaria and have “full security.”
Israel gets a lot of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) — but the Palestinians are compensated with large new tracts of territory in the Negev, near Egyptian border. (see map)

Plan will create a Palestinian state which can be achieved if Palestinians “renounce terror” — won’t allow return to bombings and violence. Wants “very capable” Palestinians to have better lives, because “that’s only fair.”
Jerusalem will be Israel’s undivided capital.

Excellent roll out event.
I was very happy that three Arab Ambassador’s were there — two of whom are dear friends — and that Trump and Bibi gave them very warm and special shout-outs and that they received thunderous applause. Incredibly important.
Overall, most grassroots Evangelicals will be very happy because they trust Trump and because Bibi (and Gantz) are so positive about it.
However, some Evangelical leaders don’t want any Palestinian state whatsoever — one of them is Pastor John Hagee. Given that there are 6 million members in his Christians United For Israel, he’s a major player. Hagee and others may be very unhappy about Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, as well.
However, as I’ve been telling senior White House and State officials for months, these two points are vitally important. Why? Be square there’s no chance Abbas accepts this deal — but the two-state and East Jerusalem capital language makes it much easier for other Arab states to embrace the deal.


I honestly have NO IDEA how this is all going to play out.  But the fact that some Arab ambassadors came to the roll out event is pretty huge.  The Arabs of Palestine might claim to hate any idea of peace because a certain amount of them want nothing more than to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews.  However, they may be forced to take the deal by the other Arab nations because the other Arab nations are realizing that 70 years of pissing and moaning has gotten them exactly nothing.  Meanwhile, Israel just keeps getting stronger, more civilized, more advanced and more wealthy.

However, let's remember that warning in the Bible about bad things coming to anyone who would divide God's Holy Land.

We need to pay close attention to this.

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