
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Rabbi Puts PEACE PLAN and Messiah Together

Please remember that the practicing Jews have not accepted Christ as Messiah so are still looking for a messiah that will come to earth to earth to rule and reign.  The Bible says they will be deceived by the Antichrist for the first 3 1/2 years.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses President Trump’s plan for the Middle East, political pundits weigh in on what the ‘Deal of the Century’ actually entails. Two Israeli mystics have spoken, both predicting that the political program endorsed by the most powerful country in the world will never be actualized.

Rabbi Baruch Abuhatzeira, a prominent Sephardi Israeli mystic, made a remarkable prediction on Monday: “The ‘Deal of the Century’ will not be enacted because the Messiah will come first.”
Rabbi Abuhatzeira, known as the Baba Baruch,  is an Israeli mystic and spiritual adviser who operates in Netivot, a blue-collar town in southern Israel. 
In an exclusive and rare interview with Kikar Shabbat, a Hebrew language news service for the Haredi (ultra-orthodox) public, Baba Baruch discussed his father whose yahrtzeit (anniversary of his death) is on the fourth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, which falls this year on Thursday evening.
“You are about to see some things that are wonderful,” the Rebbe elaborated: “Just in this matter of America, the President of the United States is Trump. Who could have dreamed it would be?”
“Was it supernatural, above the laws of nature?” the Baba Baruch was asked.
“Maybe,” the Baba Baruch answered. “These are all signs of our righteous messiah. That is why you should rejoice. We will be happy.”
So the fact that the Jews are looking for a messiah and believe that we are close to his arrival should give prophecy watchers a heads up that the Antichrist is close. THEY are being prepared for his arrival and will accept him.
John 5:43   I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

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