
Friday, January 10, 2020

Global Financial System “Past the Point of No Return”

I have concluded that 2007-2009 Great Recession confirmed to me that our entire global financial system is built on a house of cards backed ONLY by “faith and confidence”.  Somehow the global-money-magicians were able to convince us that borrowing and printing unheard of amounts of money would “fix” it all.  Of course it hasn’t. The world is teetering on the edge of calamity as paper money and debt is what this last bubble has been cooked on.  We hope that it’s the rapture of the church that explodes this bubble and makes way for the Antichrist and his new global system.
Rubino says the monetary masters “tried to fix the financial system but could not do it.” 
Adding that:
If you think you are beyond the point of no return financially as an individual, you borrow as much money as you can, and then go bankrupt...
Governments in the world are starting to do that now or behaving that way... There is nothing they can do to fix the system.In the U.S., they tried to fix the system and scale back and they found out that is impossible.
The central bank in the U.S. cannot raise interest rates without the economy collapsing. . . . So, they basically gave up. . . . They are printing a lot of currency electronically and dumping it into the banking system. . . . The consequence for the currency is to make it less valuable year after year . . . then you get the crackup boom . . . where people just lose faith in the currency because they see the government is going to make it less valuable year after year. So, there is no point in holding that currency as savings. They spend it as fast as they get it.”

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