
Friday, January 10, 2020

Mock Christ and That’s “Protected Speech”

But you better not say the word “nigger” unless your skin is black enough to use the word, lest you be charged with hate speech. And you better not say “retard” or you will lose your job. And you BETTER NOT profane Muhammad or draw a picture of him or rip up the Koran to protest this blood drenched religion or you will be charged with hate speech. But it’s 100% fine to cut up Holy Scripture and paste Satanic face onto pictures of Jesus because that’s not hate speech, it’s protected speech!
The University of Southern Maine has displayed student-created artwork entitled Unholy Bible: Very Revised Standard Edition, which cut up the Holy Scriptures to look like flames and pasted a Satanic image over the face of Christ. After receiving complaints from Christian students, the university says the display is protected speech.
Riley Harris, a sophomore at the university, was instructed to take a book of some kind and ‘repurpose it’ for something new. He decided to cut up a Bible, color its pages red, and put a pop-up satanic-Christ figure. The artwork was then put on display in a community building where church groups meet. 
The Casco Bay Church of Christ happens to meet in the building where the artwork is displayed, and several complained to the college. 
Charlie Flynn, a worshipper who gathers at the university facility said, “This is someone’s sacred text being desecrated, destroyed and displayed in a public place. I couldn’t help but feel no one’s sacred text should be treated that way. I think it’s very inappropriate and repugnant.”

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