Saturday, February 15, 2020

Don’t Tell People the Truth so They Won’t Panic

I get it.  The people can’t handle the truth.  What good would it do to tell 7 billion people that a disease or asteroid or super volcano eruption was going to kill us all?  It would be better to play it all down so people don’t panic and disrupt normal functioning of society.

As all this is unfolding at the highest levels, the public is being kept in the dark so that they “don’t panic” by learning the truth.
We’re basically in a situation where a metaphorical 100-mile wide asteroid is plunging toward New York City at a relative velocity of 10,000 m/s, and the impact is triple confirmed but nobody in the government wants to alarm the public, since it’s pointless to warn people about an event of such magnitude. (That would be a planetary extinction event.)
The coronavirus won’t cause mass extinction, but it could very easily cause devastating, even catastrophic disruptions to human-driven economies, resulting in waves of death, chaos and instability that threaten the very existence of ruling governments. Once the full impact of the virus becomes realized, today’s delusional stock market bubble will absolutely implode, and that’s a result the Trump administration doesn’t want to see happen, at least not before the election.
Things are about to get very interesting, in other words. Plus, it’s an election year, and that’s when the party in power wants to project the illusion that everything’s awesome.
Truth be told, everything isn’t awesome. In fact, it’s downright apocalyptic to anyone who can do the math and see where this is going.


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