
Friday, February 14, 2020

"End of Days" for Democrats if Crazy Bernie is Their Leader

When you are part of the godless party and you open up Pandora's Box, there is no telling what might come out.  With all of their talk about free incomes, killing babies, free healthcare, free college and promising to spread the wealth according to how THEY FEEL it should be spread....they have released the demon of socialism and even communism.  And now they can't figure out how to get Crazy Bernie back in the box!

Check out what Best-Selling author, Joel Rosenberg, has to say about this.

Can an avowed socialist win the Democratic presidential nomination? The latest polls say yes.
  • After winning the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has “opened up a double-digit lead over former Vice President Joe Biden,” notes the poll. Sanders is now “the first choice for 29 percent of Democratic primary voters, up 4 percentage points since polling conducted Feb. 4-9. Biden’s support fell 3 points during that time to 19 percent.”
A growing number of top Democratic strategists also say yes.
Sanders is not even a member of the Democratic Party. He’s actually a registered Independent. And he is not shrinking back from the “socialist” label — he’s proud of it, even as he openly calls for “political revolution” in America.

So, can Sanders really will win the Democratic nomination? It’s too early to say. But he’s creating a political earthquake in the United States that certainly bears watching. 
The Democrats are super worried!  They might not be able to control their demonic horde and get them herded all in one direction!  We already have fighting started among the LGBTQ ranks.  And now there is fighting among the Dems who disagree about killing babies that are born alive.  And now you have a top Democratic strategist calling Bernie a communist!
I'm so thankful that God already knows the end of the story and that He has it all under control.
There is NO DOUBT that this world is getting ready to literally turn upside down after the Holy Spirit is withdrawn at the rapture.

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