
Friday, February 14, 2020

Wormwood Warning

The folly of mankind.  Thinking that we have any control of anything!  We forget that we live on a rock spinning around at 1000 mph while hurtling through space orbiting the sun and none of us are driving it!

Tomorrow a huge rock is going to come whizzing past planet earth at 35,000 mph.  If it hit earth it could easily destroy a continent.  What would instantly happen to America, the electric grid, the food supply and the global financial system if this meteor smashed into Kansas City?

The Bible says it WILL HAPPEN one day.

In the Book of Revelation chapter eight we are warned that one day this earth will experience a devastating encouter with an object from space - most likely an asteroid.

This space object is called "wormwood" because it will cause bitterness, poison and death due to it's impact with the earth causing one third of the waters to become poisoned.

While this weekends asteroid approach is not going to hit earth, it's close approach reminds us of such verses and the relationship between prophecy and the universe in which God has created.

Asteroid 2002 PZ39 is predicted to travel past our planet at speeds of more than 35,500 miles per hour and is making what Nasa is calling a "close approach" on Saturday, February 15 at around around 11.05am GMT (6.05am EST)..

Nasa has estimated it to be about 3,280 feet, which is enough to destroy a continent.

In 2018, the White House published a report by the National Science and Technology Council on the dangers posed by so-called near-Earth objects (NEOs) like Asteroid PZ39.

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