
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Gog and Magog War is Russia Against Turkey??

For the past 12 years we have been blogging, we have blogged about Russia, Turkey and Iran being the 3 main players in the Ezekiel 38 war.  Russia will lead, Turkey and Iran will follow and Sudan, Libya and Somalia will also throw their hats in when they believe that they can destroy Israel and take her wealth.

But in the past few weeks Turkey and Russia have been punching each other in the face as their armies fight in Syria.  Russia is fighting WITH the Syrian army who supports Bashar Al Assad and Turkey is fighting WITH the rebels who are fighting against Al Assad.

Oops!  They are actually killing each other's soldiers.

Then I saw this article from end times headlines.  I'm not convinced that it's correct.  Turkey and Russia might still kiss and make up after the rapture of the church (which could happen any day, week or month) but these folks are telling us another idea about what might be going on.

Erdogan Gives “Final Warning” Before Launching Gog-Magog War Against “Edom” Russia

The report is indicating that talks with Russian officials over the intensifying military conflict in Syria have failed, leaving Turkey’s President Recep Tayyib Erdogan to issue his “final warnings” to Russia! “We are making our final warnings,” Erdogan went on to say “We did not reach the desired results in our talks (with Russia) . . . . A (Turkish) offensive in Idlib is only a matter of time.”

On Thursday, Turkish troops were seen with heavy weapons entering northern Idlib while Turkey carried out military actions against Syrian army positions. As a result of this, the Russian air force reportedly came to the aid of the Syrian army, bombing Turkish positions in the region. As a result of the strikes, it has been reported that at least 50 Syrian soldiers and members of the Iranian-backed Shiite militias were killed while Turkey has reported the loss of two soldiers. The strikes from the Turkish military and their Islamist rebel allies also resulted in the destruction of five tanks and four armored vehicles belonging to the pro-Assad troops.

Meanwhile, a Jewish Rabbi Pinchas Winston, who is deemed to be a prolific end-of-days author, is emphasizing that to understand current events, it is important to identify the nations in a prophetic/historical context. This statement was in regards to the Nations involved in this current conflict.  “What is called Turkey today is a thin veneer over what is still the Ottoman Empire,” Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. “Russia is clearly playing the role of Edom.”

BIN reports that Rabbi Winston explained that Edom, the descendants of Esau, were separated into several nations, each epitomizing a different archetypal characteristic of their forefather. “The arrogance of Esau became Russia under the communists,” Rabbi Winston said, citing the decidedly anti-religious aspect of communism. “The ultimate arrogance is when a man becomes an atheist and says there is no God; there is only me.” “What you have to ask yourself is are the events unfolding in front of us a distraction or are they the main event. Even if it is a seemingly small event, it could contain within it the sparks that will cause a much larger event to burst into flame.”

Russia and Turkey have gone to war with one another in at least a dozen times since the 16th Century but even though there is a long history of conflict between these two countries, Rabbi Winston claims “The sparks of Gog and Magog may be contained within the current conflict. “It is known that the Gog and Magog will come from the north,” The Rabbi went on to warn that a war between Turkey and Russia was predicted to be the precursor to the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog.


Please note that this article came from Breaking Israel News and that the one giving his opinion is NOT a follower of Jesus Christ but is a Jewish Rabbi.  The reason that this is significant is that they are still operating under a temporary veil.  They can't understand all scripture because they don't have the Holy Spirit operating in them.

But I post it because it is certainly a prophetic headline.


  1. awesome post ty john 14: 6

  2. Thanks! Yep, no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. The world hates what Jesus said there because they believe it’s too intolerant.
