
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Putin Moves One Step Closer to Being Ruler for Life

Here's a good one for those of us who think Putin might be Gog of Magog mentioned in Ezekiel 38.

In an abrupt — if not totally shocking — move, Russia’s State Duma (its lower house of parliament) proposed a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that would reset presidential term limits to zero, allowing Putin to run again for president in 2024, when his tenure is supposed to expire.
Putin, it turned out, disagreed with the idea of getting rid of term limits altogether. But on the issue of whether his own term limits should be reset to zero, believe it or not, he was into the idea.
“When a country is going through such upheavals and such difficulties,” Putin said in a speech to legislators on Tuesday in favor of the term-limit reset amendment, “stability may be more important and must be given priority.”
He went on to say that “for [the] long term, society must have guarantees for the regular change of power,” adding, “This is why I do not believe it is viable to delete the restriction on the number of presidential terms from the Constitution.”
In other words, this might not always be a good idea, but it’s a good idea for Russia right now. “I have no doubt that the day will come when the supreme, presidential power in Russia will not be so personified, if I may say so, that it will not be connected to a certain individual,” Putin said.
That day, however, is not today.
The amendment could keep Putin in power until 2036. Putin, now 67, would be 84 by the time his tenure ends.

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