
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bible Sales Increase

What happens when you take away every restaurant, every bar, every sporting activity and close Disney World?  Only then will some folks finally think of God. “Hey I wonder if I should figure out once and for all if God really exists? I guess there’s really nothing else to do.”  Whatever it takes...Thy will be done.

Christian publishers are reporting sales of the Holy Bible have escalated as more people are searching for hope and encouragement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jim Jewell, communications director for Tyndale Bibles told CBN Newsthat Bible sales are increasing and remain steady.
"We've seen an increase in Bible sales during this time of crisis. On Facebook (New Living Translation), where Bible verse memes are posted, post engagement was triple what it was last March and up 72 percent from just last month," he said.
"Despite delays in the supply chain and delivery channels due to the crisis, Tyndale Bible sales are strong, Jewell added. "Comparing this March to last March, sales of our Life Application Study Bible were up 44 percent and sales of the Immerse Bible used for group study are up 60 percent."

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