
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Worshiping Creation Instead of Creator

Romans 1 warns folks what happens when you start to worship the created things rather than the Creator.  Their minds are given over to foolish thoughts and futile thinking. They start to believe that Mother Nature is their goddess and they have massive amounts of faith in her and her ability to make life from non-life and evolve that tiny, new life into everything we see today!

A statement widely attributed to the great British thinker G. K. Chesterton describes the modern period as perfectly as any single idea can: "When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything."
One of these substitute gods has been nature.
Indeed, of all the false gods, nature is probably the most natural for people to worship. Every religion prior to the Bible had nature-gods – the sun, the moon, the sea, gods of fertility, gods of rain and so on.
That is why the further Western society gets from biblical, i.e., Judeo-Christian, religions, the more nature is worshiped.
Everyone on the left and right cares about the environment. But caring about the environment is not the same as environmentalism. Environmentalism, for most of its adherents, is a secular religion. These people, many of whom refer to, and truly regard, the Earth as a goddess (Gaia, the name of the ancient Greek Earth goddess) worship the environment.
The man who, more than any other, started the modern environmentalist religion was James Lovelock, who developed the "Gaia hypothesis" in the 1970s. Almost 50 years later, in 2014, Lovelock told The Guardian, "Environmentalism has become a religion."
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat described the 2009 James Cameron blockbuster film, "Avatar," as "Cameron's long apologia for pantheism, a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world." That equation of God with nature was a major reason for the film's popularity.

1 comment:

  1. Here is an interesting article from the Daily wire about the Pope "worshiping" nature.

    In it he says:

    “There is an expression in Spanish: ‘God always forgives, we forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives,’” the Pope told the Tablet.

    If I were Dana Carvey I would ask, "Does that make nature....SATAN??!"

    Then he says that a boat sailed over the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted. I googled my heart out trying to find a story about a boat sailing across the North Pole but could not find one. Maybe I missed it, but I am sure the saintly child Greta Thunberg would have mentioned it during at least some of her shaming rants. Does this make him a liar, or like uncle Joe, has he just gone soft in the melon?

    Again from the article, the Pope instructs us to "move from using and misusing nature to contemplating it."

    It seems to me that a good argument could be made that the Pope is worshiping the creation rather than the Creator. At a minimum, he certainly seems to have forgotten Genesis 1:26.

    "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
