
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Father Arrested in CO for Playing in Park With Daughter

As we have already said, we believe one thing America will bring out of the pandemic is that we are being prepared for authoritarian rule.  Russians already get it.  The Chinese already get it.  But we fun loving Americans who do anything we want, say anything we want, go anywhere we want, smoke anything we want...we don't quite get it.

Maybe that is going to change.  And if America stays locked up for too many more weeks the "enforcement agents" are going to continue to crack down.

You might read this article and say, "Well the idiot had it coming!  He went to a closed park to play with his daughter!  He should have stayed home for the safety of us all and for the well being of our country!"

But just remember how the stories in Germany began 90 years ago.

In an incident caught on video, a former Colorado State Patrol trooper said he was handcuffed in front of his 6-year old daughter on a near-empty softball field Sunday by Brighton police officers enforcing social distancing rules. The department apologized Tuesday afternoon, calling the incident an "overreach by our police officers."

Matt Mooney, 33, told ABC News he walked with his wife and daughter from their home to a nearby park Sunday to play softball.
"We're just having a good time, not near anybody else. The next closest person is at least 15 feet away from me and my daughter at this point," Mooney told ABC News.
Police arrived soon after, Mooney said, telling him and others in the area to leave because the park was closed.
Mooney said he told officers that he was familiar with the posted rules and believed he and his family were in compliance and practicing proper social distancing. He said he refused to provide his identification when officers asked for it because he had not broken any law. 
"Well, they didn't like that idea. They then proceeded to make a threat against me saying, 'If you don't give us your identification, if you don't identify yourself, we're going to put you in handcuffs in front of your 6-year-old daughter.'"

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