
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

“Cough Chamber” Shows 6 Feet Not Enough

Uh-oh!  The entire world needs to stay apart further than 6 feet! The cough chamber shows germs can travel further than 6 feet!  We wonder if these $billion dollar stadiums everyone just built will EVER be packed full of 75,000 people all sitting butt to butt and breathing, coughing, sneezing and high fiving everyone? It seems really dangerous!  Public gatherings might have to be re-looked at....


As public health guidelines continue to recommend a two-metre space between people in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, a recently published study led by Western University researchers shows that distance is not far enough if someone coughs.

The cough chamber is a two-metre enclosed cube with an opening for study participants to cough into and is equipped with a camera and laser to determine the velocity of expelled droplets from a cough.

“Even when you are 2.5 metres (eight feet) away, the airflow in the cough can still be moving at 200 millimetres a second,” explains the researcher behind the cough chamber, Eric Savory, who also collaborated with virologists at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.

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