
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What to do When You See People NOT Social Distancing

Let’s say you are out for a walk all by yourself.  As the sidewalk turns you find yourself looking at a group of boys playing volleyball in the park. You quickly realize that sometimes these boys are closer than six feet!  What should you do?

Now watch the video from Oregon where this exact scenario happened.

We are being told that “Together, as Americans, we will get through this pandemic.”  But make sure you rat out your neighbor if you see him do anything that seems COVID inappropriate!  Did you see him hoarding toilet paper?  Call the police. Did you see him having a campfire with 8 other people? Call the police. Did you hear someone coughing in the apartment next door? Be safe and call the police.

If you can’t see it, open your eyes. We are heading for authoritarianism. The Bible tells me so.

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