
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

All the Signs Are in Place for the Tribulation to Begin

Maybe this Covid-19 outbreak is the final straw that will break the camel's back?  We have all the players and technology in place for the Great Tribulation to commence.  All we need is the rapture to kick-start it.

I sense that is where we are on the prophetic schedule of things. The health, economic, and globalist effects of Covid-19 have moved us into a new (and perhaps final) era of the birth-pain period Jesus talked about in Matthew 24. In that chapter, Jesus responds to his disciples' questions about the timing of Jerusalem (and the temple) being destroyed, the end of the Church age, and the return of Jesus.

After describing the chronology of the temple destruction of AD70 (24:2), and the bulk of church history of which Jesus said "the end is still to come" (24:4-6), he shifts gears to a time period known as the birth pains (24:8). I, and many other prophecy teachers, believe we are nearing the end of this birth pain period before the world is "delivered into tribulation (24:9)." In between the birth pain period and the tribulation period will be the rapture of the church.

Everything related to Covid-19 has me thinking, "that's a wrap." I'm not saying the rapture will happen tomorrow. No man knows the day or hour. But I am saying that all principle photography has been shot. In other words, all of the conditions for the tribulation to start are in place--right now. Whether those conditions are geopolitical, cultural, spiritual, technological, or biblical/prophetic--everything is "in the can." We're now (using a video production term) in post-production. It's only a matter of time before the end of the church age.

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