
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Polygamy is No Longer a Crime in Utah

We have been saying for years that polygamy HAS to be coming to America.  It only stands to reason that if marriage can be between 2 men to women who claim to be homosexual, then why can't the bi-sexual people claim that they want to marry 1 man and 1 woman?  Why can't 3 women who are in love get married?  Why can't a man marry 3, 4 or 5 women?  He can claim that "for as long as I can remember I have been attracted to numerous women and it simply is unnatural for me to only be with one woman for the rest of my life."

And who can argue with that?  He was born that way!

As of Tuesday, polygamy was no longer a crime in the state of Utah for the first time in more than 85 years, after a law passed by its legislative houses came into effect last February.
Under this new legislative framework, the practice of plural marriages went from being considered a crime to a simple offense. In this sense, the punishments will be comparable to traffic fines instead of carrying penalties of up to 5 years in prison, as they have been up to now.
“The wall Utah built to keep people out of polygamy has been the wall that has been leaving them trapped in it … This law seeks to tear down this wall.” This was expressed by the state senator, Deidre Henderson, in a recent interview for the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper.
The legislator was hopeful that this reduction in punishment will make it easier for her victims to file a complaint with the authorities. The reason: it will not cause such severe damage to their relatives.
In addition, Henderson pointed out that the new legislative text contemplates that polygamy will be aggravating if it is linked to other crimes, such as fraud, abuse, gender violence or human trafficking.
This change raised blisters among opponents of this practice. They argue that abuse of women and minors is inherent in polygamy.
“Utah state lawmakers have chosen to support and protect what we consider to be the modern equivalent of plantation owners (slavers).” The anti-polygamy organization Sound Choices regretted this in a statement published when the law was passed last February.
Polygamy has been banned since 1890 for members of the state’s main confession, the Church of Los Santos del Día Mañana, better known as the Mormon Church. However, despite being illegal, there are still numerous polygamous communities in Utah and parts of neighboring states.

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