
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

80% of Americans Think "Things in America Are Out of Control"

The 'secret power of lawlessness" that Apostle Paul spoke of seems to be very evident as we watch the news coming from America.  The looting and burning that we have witnessed in some large cities last week on top of the insanity that the COVID virus has given us these past few months make a lot of us wonder if America has started to spiral out of control.

It turns out lots of Americans are feeling the same thing.

Do you feel like America is spinning out of control? That chaos and disorder seem to be the new order of the day? That you have no idea what tomorrow might bring? That those in leadership of our nation, from the president to law enforcement and from medical specialists to local mayors, are in over their heads? 

If so, you are not alone. A new poll indicates that, "80 percent of voters say things are out of control in the U.S."

As reported by Mark Murray on NBC News, "Eight out of 10 voters believe that things are out of control in the United States, with majorities still concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, pessimistic about the economy's returning to normal before next year and down on President Donald Trump's ability to unite the nation."

To quote Murray's article again, "'Out of control -- that's America in 2020,' said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who helped conduct the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff and his GOP colleagues at Public Opinion Strategies."

It's true that the poll was conducted from May 28-June 2, so, before last "Friday's surprising jobs report, which found the unemployment rate declining to 13.3 percent and the economy adding 2.5 million jobs in May."

But I seriously doubt that one positive economic report put a major dent in the overall feeling of uncertainty and chaos which has gripped the country.

Think about it for a moment. Do you have much confidence in what medical experts are telling us? Do you feel sure that they know what is best? It seems like not even hindsight is 20-20 these days.

How about the shutdown? Was it justified? An overreaction? Or were there more sinister plans behind it?

What about decisions being made by state and city officials, including governors and mayors? Do you feel like they are in over their heads?

What about the riots? Will they subside in the coming days, or will they come to your own neighborhood?


As followers of Christ we should NOT have an attitude of fear or hopelessness.  We know that "all these things MUST happen" before the end of the age comes.  We are all called to be salt and light until Jesus comes for us in the rapture or we leave these earth-bound bodies of mortal flesh.

I must admit that it's hard to watch as the LGBTQ agenda continues to wash over us and we see entire blocks of cities looted and burned with impunity.

I heard a good word picture given by Pastor Robert Jeffress yesterday that may give us a better way to think about what we are witnessing.  I'll try and repeat it the best I can.  Let's say that you are a person who hates winter and cold weather.  Your boss knows this about you so as winter approaches he calls you into his office and says, "I know you hate winter and cold so I'm going to make a deal with you.  Keep working your job as best you can and when the temperature hits 32 degrees for 7 days in a row, I will send you and your entire family to Hawaii for the rest of the winter.  All expenses paid!"  So with that knowledge you keep watching the winter approach and you start watching the temperature.  You are now almost eager for the cold weather to come because you know what is awaiting you.  You may even find yourself cursing the sun as it comes out following 4 days of 32 degrees.  You know that a week of cold weather is coming but you don't know exactly the week when it is coming, but you happily go about your business because you know what is in store for you.

Don't know if that helps anyone but it's kind of cool to think about.

Winter is coming.  We know America isn't in prophecy, but we don't know if it's going to fall now or 10 years from now.  We know Jesus is coming but we don't know if it's going to be today or next month or 10 years from now.  But we are commanded by our Master to work while we still have daylight.  So use your spiritual gifts as best you can!  Make as many relationships as you possibly can!  And be ready to give a reason for the hope that YOU have in Jesus Christ.


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