
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Monument Mobs Hate America

You have seen how the mobs are pulling down statues of Columbus and Civil War officers? Do you have any idea where this vandalism might stop?  Do the angry mobs have any idea what they are doing or is their hatred of America so great that they are blinded by it?
Angry mobs are tearing down and defacing monuments across America. They make no distinction between Confederate and Union, abolitionist and pro-slavery, 15th-century figures and 20th. They don’t care when a monument was erected, who built it, or why. They have not come to debate or persuade their fellow citizens to relocate these statues to museums or private property. They believe the debate is over and that they have won.

The Confederacy Isn’t the Target

Their target is not the Confederacy. It is the United States. They mean to destroy symbols of American history writ large, because to them all of American history is racist and genocidal. Their goal is not to cleanse a nation they love of monuments to Confederate traitors who tried to secede, but to cleanse their consciences of ever having loved such an evil and irredeemably racist country in the first place.
That is why you see mobs defacing statues of abolitionists like Matthias Baldwin and Union war heroes like Adm. David Farragut and Gen. George Thomas. That is why the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized this past weekend with the words “committed genocide.” That is why statues of Christopher Columbus were torn down or beheaded in three cities last week. That is why officials in Dallas recently removed a Texas Ranger statue from Love Field Airport. That is why a mob of college students toppled two statues of American pioneers on the University of Oregon campus. That is why Black Lives Matter protesters in San Antonio, Texas, are threatening to march on the Alamo.
To suppose this has anything to do with the Confederacy or the Civil War is to misunderstand completely the nature of what is happening right now in America. The people who are pulling down monuments, defacing statues, and demanding U.S. military bases be renamed do not have a limiting principle. They don’t distinguish between those who fought for freedom against the British Empire and those who fought for union against the slave states of the South. To them, the Union itself was a crime against humanity long before the South seceded. What kind of moral monster would ever fight to preserve it?


  1. This mob mentality will have to be stopped, it will not fizzle out on its own until...

    "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

    - George Orwell, 1984

    I am glad that I have taken my kids to see Mt. Rushmore because it will not surprise me to hear that the mob somehow figures out a way to deface it. We will have to rename our nation's capital and tear down the Washington Monument, or at a minimum, rename it to the "Obelisk of Wokeness."

    This rioting mass is the result of two generations learning that there is no God, there is no truth, there is no such thing as right or wrong. We have been living with cut flower morality, and now the bloom is finally off the flower. Because we have severed our connection to the root of the plant that produced the flower of our great society (the fear of the Lord), we have no hope of producing another one.

    I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but the only path I see for our nation and the world is a mass revival in what C.S. Lewis would call a Mere Christian faith, and given our current self absorbed state, I don't see that forthcoming on the horizon.

    As violence continues to spiral out of control I am watching with morbid curiosity wondering if it might not be the breaking of the second seal in Revelation 6:3-4.

    When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.

    Even so, come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!!

  2. All good points Dave! I agree. The godless horde won't stop until Rushmore is dynamited and the "Holy black hills" given back to the natives and whatever gods they were worshiping.

    Jacksonville, FL has to go. Washington DC has to go. Fort Lee, VA has to go. And the list goes on and on and started with Lake Calhoun being changed to Bde-Maka-Ska. What the...?
