
Monday, June 1, 2020

A Few Thoughts on Minneapolis Protests, Riots and Looting

Here are just a few thoughts to ponder surrounding the riots and protests that were sparked when a white officer knelled on the neck of a black man in Minneapolis and he died while saying repeatedly, "I can't breathe!" 

Are there some bad police officers in America?  Absolutely!  No doubt there are some violent, sadist, men who are attracted to the idea that they can use force legally!  Why do men rob banks?  Because that's where the money is!  Why are so many pedophiles attracted to the ministry and to schools?  Because that's where the children are!  In the same way, there are some violent men who want to legally carry and club, a gun and handcuffs and rough up as many people as they legally can.  Of course when you have millions of people in law enforcement, you are going to get a few bad apples.

It would appear that this Mpls police officer overstepped his bounds when he knelled on the neck of a black man for over 8 minutes.  And it is being reported that the deceased was already handcuffed!  Why wasn't he just put in the back seat of the car?  Why wasn't he allowed to sit up alongside the car after he was handcuffed?  How much mayhem can the dude do after he was cuffed?  But maybe this officer got a lot of extreme satisfaction from torturing another human being...and for that he was fired and will probably go to jail.  Also his wife just filed for divorce, so he has just lost everything, which maybe he deserved.  And maybe the 3 other officers that were with him will also end up in jail.  They have already been fired.

But would it change the narrative at all if we found out that the dead black man was highly intoxicated on alcohol and drugs and that he had stolen cigarettes and was passing fake money which he KNEW was fake?  Would it calm the rioters if they found out that George didn't have such a big heart after all?  What if the autopsy discovers he didn't die from a knee to the neck but that he died of alcohol poisoning, drug poisoning or suffered a panic attack that put his diseased heart into a heart attack?

We are guessing that wouldn't change a thing.  In fact you could expect more riots IF that white officer is found anything less than guilty of murder.

On display this past week was how quickly people can turn into animals.  Some of the animals were home-grown right in Mpls.  And some of them were part of a radical group, called ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter, which get flown into any city where they believe they can fan the flames and throw gasoline on the fire.

We are guessing that the damage they did to over 200 buildings and businesses will reach into the tens of millions.  And that doesn't include the jobs that will be lost when all those workers have no business in which to do their jobs from.

Humans are wicked to the core.  Who can know their hearts?  They invent ways of doing evil almost all the time.

Do white people suffer from racism more than black, brown, yellow or red people?  No.  Of course this fact doesn't fit the narrative that the media and Hollywood want to they don't bring it up.  If a black person kills an Asian person in Chicago, that probably doesn't quality as "news" for CNN, CBS, NBC, etc...  If a black officer beats a black man or woman who was doing something they shouldn't be....we might not see that video clip.  The media seems to only be appalled when a white officer does something foul to a black person.  Only then is it deemed "newsworthy".

Did you know that black people account for about 13% of the U.S. population but are involved in over 50% of the murders and violent crime committed here?  Why is that?  Can it be blamed on slavery that happened here up to 150 years ago? 

We think not.  The problem has a lot to do with the fact that 70% of black babies born in America are born out of wedlock.  There are a disproportionate amount of black males who are raised without a loving father to discipline them and to lead them.  As a rule, women can't raise men on their own.  It's a fact that the jails of America are filled with men who didn't have a loving father by their side.

And of course at the very heart of it all is Satan working his power of lawlessness on the folks all over the world.  "The whole world is under the control of the evil one."

Mankind has a problem that only Jesus can fix.  How many people that showed up to start fires, loot stores and fight with the police do you suppose started their days off with reading the Bible, praying to Jesus and giving thanks for their food and clothes?  I'm guessing NONE!  If they had, they wouldn't have been there.

We hope and pray that Jesus comes quickly to snatch His bride from this earth, because it would appear that we are seeing how things were in the "Days of Noah".

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