
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

China Considers Plans for GMO Soldiers

Just imagine the possibilities if you took the courage of a lion, the strength of a bear, the eye site of an eagle and the speed of a cheetah and put all those things into a human being! Just imagine the soldier you could create! Imagine the fear you would generate in your enemy to see these terrifying creatures coming at them at full speed. Also please remember that this wouldn’t be the first time that evil forces on earth modified the genetics of humans. Satan and his fallen angels did it in Genesis 6 and caused God to send a Noah’s flood. Jesus warned us that before He returns that the world would be “as it was in the days of Noah.” Could he be giving us a hint that humans would be genetically perverted again? Could this be the final straw where God says “Enough!”
CHINA may be planning to genetically-modify its soldiers for an army of Terminator-style super troops, a defence think tank has warned.
Experts at Rusi say GM soldiers could be faster, stronger and cleverer than their battlefield opponents and even feel no pain.
Their DNA could also be adapted to help them recover more quickly from injuries or give them superior hearing and night vision.
Rusi’s Professor John Louth said: “The threat is obvious and real. Chinese money could be stealing a march on western armed forces and that is deeply concerning.”
The warning comes after Chinese scientist He Jiankui said he used gene-editing technology to make GM babies.
“GM technology is proven with plants, it could absolutely be applied to the person,” Prof Louth added.
“In China, it is reasonable to assume that they are enhancing their battlefield soldiers on all these fronts.”
China jailed Dr Jiankui for “illegal medical practices” over his claims to have made three babies immune to HIV.

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