
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Iran, Turkey, Russia and China Celebrate Collapse of America

Every Bible reader needs to see this headline from Jerusalem Post and realize that all these players are mentioned in the Last Days prophesies. And of course America is not. Iran, Russia and Turkey are the main players in Ezekiel 38. How close are we to hearing the trumpet call? When this happens we believe the disappearance of millions of Americans will seal the doom of America.

Authoritarian regimes throughout the world are pushing narratives that appear to gloat over and celebrate that chaos unfolding in the United States. On Monday, Iran’s media pushed stories that highlighted the “collapse,” while quoting Russian sources portraying that the US is flailing about as its world order comes crashing down.
The US became the world’s most powerful country, a global hegemonic superpower, after the Soviet Union and its client states fell apart in 1989. However, Russia, China, Iran and increasingly Turkey have all awaited the period when the world would become multi-polar again. They have sought to work more closely together, and they have sat frequently at global forums that the US does not attend.

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