
Monday, June 15, 2020

Black Man Shot Dead by Police in Atlanta

A black man was drunk in Atlanta at a Wendy’s drive thru. Two white officers responded. The black man breath tested and failed. Police went to arrest him. He struggled with police, wrestled one to the ground, stole his taser and ran. The other officer ran after him. The black man then turned back and fired the taser at the pursuing officer. The officer shot him dead. Protesters quickly gathered and burned down the Wendy’s. The police officer was instantly fired, the female police chief of Atlanta resigned. Can you see how this could be the first battles of a coming Civil War in America?
(CNN)Just days after George Floyd was buried in Houston and nationwide demonstrations against racism and police brutality continued, another black man was killed by police -- this time in Atlanta.
Rayshard Brooks, 27, was shot twice in the back, the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office said. His death was ruled a homicide.
Hours after the killing, Atlanta's police chief stepped down, the officer who shot Brooks was fired and a second officer placed on administrative duty -- but Brooks' death has rekindled large protests in the city, with more expected throughout Atlanta this week.
"Rayshard Brooks is everybody. Just like George is everybody. We are all the people, we are all God's children," Brooks' wife, Tomika Miller, told CBS This Morning. "We should feel the pain of those who lost their life to senselessness over authority being taken way overboard.", Rayshard is not everybody. He tackled a police officer and stole a weapon while drunk. Note to readers; if you don’t want to be shot by police don’t punch them and run away with a stolen taser.

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