
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Take Your Vaccine, Or Else!

We know that Revelation 13 says that one day everyone on earth will require a mark in order to buy or sell anything. While we don’t believe the Covid vaccine will be THE mark, it is certainly paving the way. Teamed up with technology, it’s possible that you won’t be let into a sporting event, shopping mall or any public space with other people unless you prove you have your vaccine. Probably the proof will at first come through your iPhone.

"Some Americans may push back on the COVID-19 vaccination for religious, philosophical or personal reasons,” says the report released on Thursday by the NYSBA, but, it says, “for the sake of public health, mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required in the United States as soon as it is available.”

Citing a robust collection of federal and state case law, a New York State Bar Association task-force group on Thursday said it should be mandatory for all Americans to have a COVID-19 vaccination, when one is available, including those who won’t want it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”

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