
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

10 Ways War of Gog & Magog Could Erupt Tomorrow

Sorry for the lack of posts these past 3 days but I’ve been off the grid out in South Dakota, but the world keeps moving! We have blogged dozens of times about Ezekiel 38-39 and it continues to move into place.  Check out this article.

But could a third world war really be on the horizon? When looking at the in rise international hostilities taking place worldwide between nations, the notion of such an apocalyptic battle seems to be an extremely realistic scenario. The following is a list of international hostilities that if erupt simultaneously, can spiral into a Third World War. And due to modern defense technology, the devastation can be unprecedented. A war of this magnitude can potentially be waged any day now…even as early as tomorrow.
  1. China vs America
It’s no secret that the China – America relationship has cooled since Trump waged his trade war – and even more so during the covid-19 pandemic. But can a trade war escalate into an actual war? After Trump threatened that Washington would cut the ‘whole relationship’ with Bei Jing, the White House took it a step further deploying three aircraft carriers to the South China Sea. Seeing it as a potential provocation, Bei Jing recently hinted at blowing up those very aircraft carriers.

5. Turkey vs Greece
Turkey could be looking at a war on several fronts as hostilities between their old rival, Greece have resurfaced as the latter accuses Erdogan of deploying Syrian refugees to Greek shores. Making matters worse, the Greek military is currently amassing troops on their border with Turkey against the backdrop of increased tensions between the two countries caused by Turkey’s intentions to conduct oil and gas exploration in the Greek continental shelf in the Aegean Sea.
6. Egypt vs Ethiopia
Ethiopia is planning to build a massive dam to supply their population with much needed hydro-electric energy. The only problem is that the dam will block a key water source to the Nile River – Egypt’s main source of fresh water. This has caused pro-government journalists to call for war against Ethiopia.

10. Iran/Turkey vs Israel
Could the Sunni and Shiite superpowers of the Middle East unite in a joint effort to destroy Israel? Several top Middle East experts see it as a realistic scenario. Islamic expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar noted that “Turkey and Iran see themselves as a powerful unified front that can stand against any other country in the world right now, whether it is Russia, the US, Israel, or Saudi Arabia.” Meanwhile Middle East expert Seth Franzman notes that their coperation in Syria and Iraq lay the groundwork for a potential joint strike against Jerusalem.
Compounding the threat, official voices out of Tehran have threatened retaliation for sabotage inflicted upon Iranian nuclear sites.

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