
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is at it Again

She’s at what again?  Being stupid and anti-American. What an embarrassment that folks from Minnesota elected her. But of course that just shows how many Muslims and “woke” Democrats we have in her district.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has called for the complete dismantling of the American way of life, which she described as a “system of oppression.”
When speaking Tuesday in Minnesota alongside the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus, Omar ripped into the United States as a predatory entity that targets minorities.
“As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” the Democrat and “Squad” member said.
Omar supported self-avowed democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Democratic primary. She is now supporting Biden’s candidacy.
While Biden was viewed during the primary as a moderate Democratic alternative to Sanders, he is essentially tied to Omar and others in the party’s more radical wing, and has not yet released a statement condemning or supporting Omar’s Tuesday comments.

1 comment:


    The plan of the left is working. Check out this video from 1984 featuring a Russian defector who is warning the U.S. of Russia's plan for us.
    Paul Gausmann
