
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

California Shuts Down. Near Financial Collapse

CA has totally shut down again. According to this article they might end up in financial collapse before the election in November.

The State of California is now less than 90 days away from a financial collapse that can only be averted by acquiring new sources of loans or dramatically slashing government-funded services in health care, pensions, welfare and education. The cracks of financial insolvency are starting to show, and Newsom has no plan that doesn’t lead California into anarchy and destitution.

In a desperate effort to delay the financial collapse, Newsom has ordered the state’s EDD to delay unemployment checks for as many months as it takes to preserve the state’s rapidly-dwindling funds. The Mercury News reports that nearly 2 million Californians have yet to receive unemployment checks covering the first three months of the coronavirus lockdowns, which began in mid-March:
The brutal backlog is further evidence of the troubles plaguing the embattled state Employment Development Department, prompting the newly jobless to complain of an overwhelmed phone system and antiquated technology. The first-time claims have gone unfilled even as Gov. Gavin Newsom has promised reforms and increased staffing for the EDD.

“I have done just about everything I know how to do as a public official to make things work, but my colleagues, my staff, my constituents and I are at our wits’ end,” Assemblymember David Chiu, D-San Francisco, said in a tweet.

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