
Monday, July 13, 2020

So Many Jews Returning to Israel...

It would sure seem that the very last days are upon us and the signs are all converging.

Another sign is the Jews that are returning to Israel.  We recently heard a report that the flights from New York to Tel Aviv are packed full!  It's being reported that the Jews (probably the God-fearing Jews and NOT the liberal voting Jews) are seeing the writing on the wall in America and deciding that they better get out while the getting is good.

It's unbelievable the support the Black Lives Matter is getting from all the politicians and corporations of America.  They are blatantly anti-semitic and the Jews must be sensing that the tables are going to turn on them.  For the first time EVER they desire to be with other Jews in the Promised Land!

“Lo, I am sending for many fishermen —declares Hashem— And they shall haul them out; And after that I will send for many hunters, And they shall hunt them Out of every mountain and out of every hill And out of the clefts of the rocks.” Jeremiah 16:16, (The Israel BibleTM)

Unlike immigration to other countries, olim to Israel are welcomed as long-lost brothers, educated and housed at great public expense. A combination of coronavirus and anti-Semitism is creating conditions expected to bring millions of Jews home. But the Israeli government, already stretched to the limit, is concerned they may not be able to fulfill the prophecy in the proper manner.

The Knesset’s Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs Committee met last Wednesday to discuss a major dilemma: Jewish immigration is expected to double nest year but budgetary constraints will make it difficult, if not impossible to absorb them into Israeli society.

Earlier this month, Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog reported to the committee that an estimated 250,000 people, mostly young people, will immigrate to Israel within the next three to five years. Herzog added that the number of people who have contacted the Jewish Agency about Aliyah from English-speaking countries has increased by 50%, and by 70% from French-speaking countries.

Israel could receive as many as 90,000 new immigrants in 2021 – nearly three times the number of immigrants in 2019.

Jewish Agency CEO Amira Ahronoviz presented the official Aliyah statistics for 2019: 35,000 immigrants, including 24,651 from the Commonwealth of Independent States; 3,963 from European countries; 3,539 from North America; 1,746 from Latin America; 663 from Ethiopia; 442 from South Africa; 318 from Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries; and 189 from Australia and New Zealand. In 2009, only 16,000 people made Aliyah.

Though these declarations are certainly cause for celebration as manifestations of the prophesied ingathering of the exiles, coping with immigration to Israel requires preparing physical vessels to receive the divine blessings.

MK David Bitan (Likud) emphasized that Israel must prepare for a large wave of immigration in the next year and a half due to the fact that large Jewish communities overseas have seen a significant number of corona-related deaths, alongside the rising anti-Semitism around the world. 


Many nations, like America, have been protecting the Jews these last centuries.  But the day is coming when God himself will protect the remnant of the Jews that He has chosen to protect.  For this reason they are starting to return to Israel.  They are being prepared for the 70th Week of Daniel, also called the "Time of Jacob's Trouble".

Following the rapture of the church, Israel will accept the Anti-Christ as their Messiah.  3 1/2 years after a peace agreement with them is confirmed by the Antichrist, he will go into the temple and declare himself to be God.  When this happens, all hell will break loose.  Many Jews will flee to Petra, Jordan and be protected by God himself. 

What days we live in!

Come Lord Jesus!

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