
Friday, July 3, 2020

Polygamy Approved in Massachusetts

We have been watching this development for years.  It would stand to reason that if marriage ever becomes something other than ONE MAN+ONE WOMAN that it really would end up having no limits on what marriage could be.  Two men.  Two women.  Ooooo.....but what about the poor bisexuals?  What if they are in love with one man AND one woman?  How could you be so bigoted, biphobic and unloving that you wouldn't allow the bisexual to marry at least one man and one woman??

And if you allow that, which is called a throuple, then why wouldn't you allow one man to marry 3 women?  The Mormons do it...and who are YOU to say that they can't practice their religion and live their lives the way their god tells them to?  Are you Morphobic?  Are you a hater? Are you small minded?  Are you on the wrong side of history?

A left-leaning Massachusetts city has adopted a domestic partnership ordinance granting polyamorous groups the same rights as married couples.
The Somerville City Council voted unanimously last Thursday to approve the measure, which affords domestic partnerships between two or more people the same rights as spouses, including the ability to confer health insurance benefits and to visit hospitalized partners. 
Councilor Lance Davis wrote the ordinance, telling his fellow council members that “I don’t feel it’s the place of government to define a family,” the Boston Globe reported. Mayor Joseph Curtatone then signed the measure into law on Monday.
Unmarried Somerville residents had expressed concern to the council over their ability to visit sick partners in the hospital and to access partners’ health insurance in light of the coronavirus pandemic. While the ordinance originally defined a domestic partnership as a relationship between two people, Davis altered the measure’s language to include polyamorous relationships just moments before the council meeting at the suggestion of councilor J.T. Scott, he told the Globe. 
“People have been living in families that include more than two adults forever,” Scott told the New York Times. “Here in Somerville, families sometimes look like one man and one woman, but sometimes it looks like two people everyone on the block thinks are sisters because they’ve lived together forever, or sometimes it’s an aunt and an uncle, or an aunt and two uncles, raising two kids.”
Scott told the Times he knew of at least two dozen polyamorous households in the city of 80,000.
Unlike other cities that had introduced domestic partnership ordinances before same-sex marriage became legal in Massachusetts in 2004, Somerville hadn’t previously had such a policy.
Davis said he had received many calls and messages of support of the ordinance, including from lawyers interested in shaping a similar measure on the state or federal level. The policy could come under judicial scrutiny if health insurance companies deny the city’s new definition of domestic partnership.
Did you catch that??  Including the lawyers interested in shaping a similar measure on the state or federal level.  Yep!  It's coming!  It's just a matter of time.  For those who said gay marriage would never happen, you were proven wrong about 5 years ago.  And for those who squawked that 'gay marriage will never lead to polygamy!' are about to be proven wrong too.
No doubt that we are making a mockery of God's idea of Holy matrimony.  "A man will leave his family and be united to HIS WIFE."--said Jesus  Not wives, not male lovers, not your pony or dog or your chimp lover who is 'almost human!'
Think I'm kidding?  Check out how bestiality is exploding around the world.
Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Hat tip to Kevin W.

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