
Friday, July 3, 2020

Rabbi Says Gay Marriage is Final Straw

We have heard this before some years ago. Jewish teachings say that the final straw, before God destroyed the world with Noah’s flood, was when men started writing marriage contracts with other men and even animals.  Also please remember that the Jews believe that the messianic age is coming so are watching all these events and watching for their messiah. That’s why many of them will accept Antichrist.

Kessin shared a teaching from Bereshit Rabba, a Jewish commentary on the Book of Genesis written over 1500 years ago. In that text, it is taught that, at the point when legal contracts were drawn up to formalize the relationship between two men or between a man and an animal, God finally decided to bring the flood and destroy the world. “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” he noted.

Rabbi Kessin argued that Western culture has reached a level of sexual depravity similar to that which was the catalyst for the Biblical flood. “Now we can understand what is happening today,” he noted, implying that mainstream acceptance of what was historically considered to be sexually deviant has reached the point where the world requires another “restart”.

Kessin connects a number of current events to this stage of the messianic process, most notably the legalization of same-sex marriage in the US in 2015, a move that declared same-sex marriage to be a right protected under the US Constitution.

“We are really in a messianic process. God has pressed the restart button. But instead of the restart destroying civilization, the restart is to change civilization into the era of the Messiah, of the Moshiach. And that, really, is what is happening,” he concluded.

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