Thursday, July 2, 2020

Which Side Would Win Next Civil War in America?

Soon and very soon the Left is going to get control of the political system in America. When that happens the right-wing is going to realize that they will never win another election.  They will then have a choice of whether or not they are going to live under the rule of a government that has none of their core beliefs.  A government that goes against the very Constitution that this nation was founded on.

At this point it may happen that the left and right will realize they can't coexist.  The left will continue to infringe on personal freedoms, force people to wear masks, make guns and ammo scarce, increase taxes to fund their socialist utopia, etc...

Black Lives Matter will continue to push the bogus agenda and start marching with LGBTQ and burn anything that gets in their way. Since they advocate defunding the police, there won't be enough officers around to stop the mayhem and protect businesses and towns.  When the gun owners on the right stand their ground it could spark another Civil War.  The headlines of Civil War are all over the place, as this video will show.

So this guy does a very thoughtful study about WHO WOULD WIN the next Civil War in America.

It's pretty interesting.  I pray that Jesus has already taken His bride home before it comes to this, but we have no hour or date of His return locked in, so it's certainly possible that He leaves us here to be salt and light as America is ripped apart.

When you get a few minutes you can watch the video here;


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