
Monday, August 24, 2020

Chaos In Wisconsin as Protesters Burn Stuff and Attack Police

 It's doesn't take long now for rioters to set stuff on fire and start fighting with police.  If a black man is shot by a police officer then the riots and fighting begin.  Please note that riots and looting DO NOT START when 80 black people are shot every weekend in Chicago.  The delusional mob isn't incited by the death of black people unless it's a white cop who killed the black person.  Once they have video of that happening, they will not wait around to see WHY the cop shot the black man.

Rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, burned buildings, looted stores, and attacked police officers overnight Sunday.

The mayhem prompted the city and county to issue a curfew until 7 a.m.

A public safety alert urged business owners to consider closing “due to numerous arm[ed] robberies and shots fired calls.”

Video footage showed a number of businesses torched by rioters, including a car dealership.

The agitators clashed with police, attacking them with fireworks and other objects.

At one point, a group blocked a sheriff’s vehicle from moving as one brandished a rifle.

Graffiti sprayed around the city suggested “Black Lives Matter” activists were involved in the chaos. Rioters “were chanting ‘black lives matter’ over and over and over again,” Drew Hernandez, an independent reporter who was on the ground, said in a video message.

Kenosha is located about 40 miles south of Milwaukee and 60 miles north of Chicago, next to Lake Michigan.

The rioting came hours after a black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by police officers when he allegedly resisted arrest. He was rushed to the hospital in serious condition.

Blake’s brother told Lauren Linder, a TMJ reporter, that Blake underwent surgery and was in the intensive care unit.

Blake’s family urged people to remain peaceful.

The state Department of Justice is probing the shooting.

According to court records, Blake had an arrest warrant issued last month for trespassing, third-degree sexual assault, and disorderly conduct.

The Kenosha Police Department said that officers were sent to a portion of 40th Street just after 5 p.m. for a domestic incident.

That response ultimately led to an officer-involved shooting, according to police officials.

Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, said Blake “was shot in the back multiple times in broad daylight.”

“While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country,” Evers said in a statement.

“I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long,” he added later.


Wow!  The Democrat Governor didn't call for peace or condemn the looters who burned up a car dealership!  Nope!  He added to the lie when he made it sound like law enforcement has repeatedly killed black people with no mercy.

He call for voters to demand that elected officials recognize the racism in WI and the USA is a battle cry and false narrative of Black Lives Matter.

Friends, the very existence of America hangs in the balance with November elections.  If the Democrats get control you can expect them to repeat these lies over and over again while pushing for the destruction of America.  Many of them want to have John Lennon's utopia where the world will sing Kum ba Yah (as one) after they get rid of religion, guns, police, Trump, Bible readers and those who refuse to celebrate LGBTQ agenda.

Interestingly enough, the Bible does speak of a time when the godless people will celebrate and hand out gifts after they witness God's two witnesses laying dead in the street in Jerusalem.  I wonder if they will play John Lennon's song, IMAGINE, over their dead bodies while they celebrate?

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