
Monday, August 24, 2020

The Great Reset: Davos and the Plot to Cancel Trump

 Some of you know that Davos Switzerland is the place where the wealthy and powerful "movers and shakers" get together once per year to lay out THEIR plans for the world.  You can bet there are NO born-again followers of Christ present their to cast their votes.  The folks at Davos hate Trump because he rejects their globalist ideas and tells everyone that America comes first!

In the video below you will see some of these folks plainly telling us that COVID will be an opportunity to "reset" the world. And of course this means making sure that Trump is not in the White House to disrupt their plans.

Make no mistake about it.  The world is being set up for the Great Tribulation and to be ruled by one global power that the Bible calls the Antichrist.  

We don't know when Jesus is coming for us like a thief in the night.  We pray that it happens soon because it's becoming obvious where this is all headed.

Watch 25 minute video here;

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