
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Emmanuel Macron Talks of Peace in the Middle East

 The Bible is clear that the Antichrist will not be revealed until AFTER the Holy Spirit has been taken off the earth.  Most prophecy watchers concur that the Bible is eluding to the Holy Spirit being the restrainer mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians. During the Church age the Holy Spirit is indwelling in every born-again follower of Christ.  So it would stand to reason that on the day of the rapture, when all Holy Spirit filled people are suddenly removed from earth, the power of us being salt and light will suddenly vanish.

This will give rise to Satan being able to do many things that he has been restrained from doing during the Church Age.  The secret power of lawlessness that Paul spoke of will suddenly have much more power.

So while we really aren't watching for the Antichrist but instead are watching for Jesus Christ, it still remains kind of interesting to wonder who Satan might be grooming for this position if the rapture were to happen today, next week, next month or next year.

So of course we had to share this article when it appeared in Arab News because we believe that Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, is one of the leading contenders who meets all the qualifications.

Middle East peace talks remain priority, Macron says after call with Abbas

PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron urged fresh Middle East peace talks after Israel and the UAE agreed to normalise ties in a move praised by many Western governments, including Paris, but unanimously denounced by the Palestinians.

Taking to Twitter after a phone conversation with Mahmoud Abbas, Macron said he told the Palestinian leader he was determined "to work for peace in the Middle East".

He added: "The resumption of talks to reach a fair solution that respects international law remains a priority."

The French leader had hailed the agreement announced by US President Donald Trump on Thursday as a "courageous decision" by the UAE, saying it showed Dubai's "desire to contribute to the establishment of a just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians".

The question of Israel's intentions regarding the occupied West Bank remained unclear after the UAE claimed that it had extracted an agreement for a halt to "further annexation".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said afterwards that he had agreed only to delay, not cancel, the annexations, and that he would "never give up our rights to our land".

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the suspension of the annexations "must become a definitive measure".

He also urged the resumption of talks towards a two-state solution, which he called "the only option to enable a just and lasting peace".

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA said Abbas told Macron on Sunday that the UAE, "like any other country for that matter, cannot speak in the name of the Palestinian people".

The Palestinian Authority refuses to "allow the Palestinian cause to be used as an excuse to justify normalisation", WAFA said.

It said Macron had invited Abbas to Paris to discuss the "Palestinian question", with the Palestinian president agreeing to such a meeting "on the condition that a date is set quickly".

Under the agreement with Israel, the UAE becomes just the third Arab country to recognise the Jewish state, following Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.


Daniel 9

He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”

Hat tip to Sylvester F.

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