
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Is the Red Heifer Still Qualified?

 As some of you know we have been kind of excited about the red heifer for over a decade now.  We raise cattle and have new calves every April.  In the very back of my mind I watch my calves come out and let my mind wander as to what I would do if I saw a perfect red heifer born on our little farm. 😁

You see the red heifer is of much importance to the Last Days events.  The ashes of a perfect red heifer are required to cleanse the 3rd Temple priests before they can enter the not-yet-built 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.

The Jews (that haven't accepted Christ) are dreaming of the day that God will allow them to build the 3rd Temple.  They have been gathering all the necessary supplies in anticipation of that day.  One of the items on that list is a perfect red heifer.

"But Dennis, there must be red heifers born all over Nebraska, Colorado and South Dakota every single year!  I don't get it!!"

Yes, there are red heifers born by the thousands every single year but they can't have more than 2 hairs on their entire body that aren't completely red.  And it has to stay that way until it is 3 years old!  So if one of its hooves gets a black mark in it...disqualified.  If 3 of it's eyelashes turn white...disqaulified.

It has been said that God has only provided 9 perfect red heifers for use in the first 2 Temples from the time of King Solomon over 3000 years ago!

But just maybe there might be one chewing its cud on planet earth this very day.  

Rabbi Inspects Red Heifer In Secret Location In Israel For Use In 3rd Temple

Rabbi Azaria Ariel, traveled to an undisclosed ranch in Israel to lead the Temple Institute's efforts to raise a red heifer for the performance of the commandment of producing the purifying ashes of the red heifer. He recently inspected the current red heifer candidates and shared their status.

One of the two more mature candidates is still very viable, even though it has a few hairs which aren't sufficiently red, as required by halacha (Jewish law).

Two new candidates were born in the early months of 2020, and they are currently viable. The ordinance of the red heifer is described in the Bible:

This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B'nei Yisrael to bring you a red cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid. (Numbers 19:2)

The purifying power of the ashes of the red heifer posses the ability to overcome the spiritual impurity contracted via physical contact with a corpse or cadaver, known in Hebrew as טמא מת - tamei met. 

The renewal of the ashes of the red heifer would enable kohanim (Temple priests) today to achieve the highest level of spiritual purity, allowing them to resume their work in the Holy Temple.

This would eliminate one more stumbling block on the way to rebuilding the Holy Temple and renewing the Divine service. Rabbi Azaria also mentions just a few of the many other commandments whose performance will be enabled by or enhanced by the resumption of the ashes of the red heifer. Following are Rabbi Azaria's words translated into English. 

The video is subtitled in English: "We are hoping, with G-d's help, to raise a kosher red heifer, with the intention of fulfilling the commandment of creating the ashes of the red heifer, and thus enabling all of Israel to be purified from the impurity of tame met, and thereby be able to perform many commandments that required spiritual purity, such as trumot and ma'aserot (tithes), and many commandments whose proper performance are reliant on the purifying power of the ashes of the red heifer. 

In the meantime, we are standing next to a red heifer candidate whose status is somewhat uncertain. She bears a patch of hair that is not currently sufficiently red, but there is a very real possibility that these hairs will redden before too long. And then we will return and check her again, with the hope that she will at that time be kosher for the performance of the commandment of the red heifer."


We don't know if the 3rd Temple will be built BEFORE the rapture or soon after.  But we do know that it needs to be in place to fulfill the prophecy of the Antichrist entering it 3 1/2 years after he confirms a peace agreement with Israel.

All the pieces of the puzzle seem to be lining up for the very first time in over 2000 years!

"When you see all these things begin to happen then lift up your heads for your redemption is near."

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