
Monday, August 31, 2020

Video of Minneapolis Officer Being Knocked Out by Thrown Object Brings Celebration From Left

 The hashtag #CaptainAmerica was trending on Twitter last week because Captain America throws a shield as one of his super powers.  In this viral video someone threw a hub cap at a Minneapolis police officer catching him in the back of his head and knocking him out and sending him to the ground.  Of course all the Democrat voters who witnessed it cheered their approval.  And then all the Leftists on social media picked up the video and forwarded it around with much glee and celebration.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, “Captain America” has been trending on Twitter for a while.

"Captain America" is now trending because someone put a police officer in Minneapolis in the hospital -- and the virtually all of the tweets are celebrating this act of evil.

See the video and some of the vile celebratory comments by Biden voters here;

The spirit of lawlessness is taking over America.  To many prophecy watchers it's one more converging sign showing us how late it is on the timeline of human history.  We pray that Jesus is going to come quickly with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God....because we know this isn't going to end well for all these folks who love violence, hate God and celebrate sin and rebellion.

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