
Monday, August 31, 2020

CDC Now Saying 94% of COVID Deaths Had Underlying Conditions

 Let's say a woman is 97 years old, has a broken hip and pneumonia and dies.  Just before her death she tested positive for COVID.  Of course she WILL be counted in the statistic that all the screaming leftists are screaming, "180,000 dead Americans!  And it's all Trump's fault!"  They would have us believe, and their deluded minds probably DO believe, that there were 180,000 healthy Americans walking around, shooting hoops, playing football, serving in the military and attending school when WHAM!!...COVID came out of nowhere and killed them all...robbing them of a glorious life!

Today we are learning from the CDC that 94% of COVID deaths had underlying conditions, which means that only 6% of the deaths were attributable ONLY to COVID. 

We wonder if the Main Stream News will trumpet this finding?  We doubt it because they WANT the COVID news to stay in the gutter until the election so they can try and make things sound as bad as possible while blaming it all on Trump.

We wonder if COVID will suddenly disappear this November if Biden and the Democrats defeat Trump and company?

A new report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that in 94 percent of the cases of those who died from COVID-19, another disease was also at work on the victim.

“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned,” the CDC stated in its report, under the heading “Comoborbities.”

“For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the report continued.

The report showed that in 18,116 of 42,587 deaths in the 75-84 age group, the individual who died also had the flu or pneumonia, while in 15,100 cases the underlying condition was respiratory failure.

Overall, of the 161, 392 deaths covered by the report, 42 percent (68,004) of those who died also had the flu or pneumonia while 34 percent (54,803) had an underlying condition of respiratory failure.

Diabetes was an underlying condition in 16 percent of the deaths (25,936 people) while various heart-related conditions including cardiac arrest, ischemic heart disease (also known as hardening of the arteries), cardiac arrhythmia and heart disease (58,687 people) were found in 36 percent of those who died.

In June, the CDC listed as high-risk individuals for COVID-19 those who had chronic kidney disease; COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease); obesity (BMI of 30 or higher); immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant; serious heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies; sickle cell disease; Type 2 diabetes.

“Based on what we’ve learned, we now understand that as you get older, your risk for severe disease, hospitalization, and death increases.  We also updated the list of underlying health conditions that can put you at higher risk for severe disease, hospitalization, and death, based on the latest review of scientific evidence to date,” he said.

“A key point is that we want to make sure that people know that as your numbers of underlying medical conditions increase, your risk of severe illness from COVID also increases,” he said.


Is COVID a real thing that some people are dying from??  Yes!!

Is the FLU a real thing that some people are dying from??  Yes!!

People are dying from something every day.  And COVID deaths account for far less than 10% of those deaths.

So why in the world would we shut down the entire global economy and crush millions of jobs, and destroy the balance sheets of individuals, businesses, cities and towns all over the world?

Because the Prince of this World has a "GLOBAL RESET" on his mind.  He has put it into the heart of all his globalist followers and now that they have more than half the world terrified of COVID, they can start to implement ideas that frightened people will accept without reservation.

"Stay home!  Wear a mask!  Don't question us!  It's for your own safety and for the safety of others."

"Money is dirty and spreads COVID germs, so we need a cashless society which will replace the US Dollar and be accessed digitally'"

"Vaccines are the only way we can know you are safe, so please display this mark on your hand so we can all see who has been vaccinated."

"The science experts have determined that singing in a group is far more likely to spread COVID, so no more church services until we say so."

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