
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

2020 Election Nightmare

 As we have said, if Trump wins in November there could be rioting in the Democrat cities that is ten times worse than the George Floyd riots that swept the nation.

And if Biden wins, the riots in Portland and other cities could continue and maybe even be emboldened by the fact that Biden will offer his support for what Black Lives Matter stands for.  He will also be much less likely to have the National Guard or Federal Agents come into cities to restore order and this will encourage the anarchy even further.

And if the rioting increases because of either victory then this could encourage groups of armed citizens to fill in the void left by police who are unable to keep the cities and neighborhoods safe.  

But what happens if neither side is willing to concede the election because it's too close to call?

Armies of lawyers have already been recruited, reasons to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election results are already being floated, and top politicians on both sides are already urging a fight to the bitter end.  

Initially, it appeared that we might avoid this sort of a scenario.  For several months Joe Biden had a large lead in all of the major national polls, and some people were even discussing the possibility of a "landslide".  But now the polls are tightening up, and this is especially true in the swing states which will ultimately decide the outcome of the election.  

If the race is quite tight once we get to election night, it is likely that neither side will be willing to concede until every conceivable legal challenge is completely exhausted.  That could mean an extended legal battle lasting for months, and that is something that none of us should want to see.

But it appears that such an outcome could be quite likely.  In fact, former FEC chair Michael Toner is warning that the 2020 election could potentially be "Bush v. Gore on steroids"...

The November presidential election is poised to become the most litigated vote in recent U.S. history, according to a former federal election honcho.

"The 2020 election might be Bush v. Gore on steroids," said Michael Toner, a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and former chief counsel at the Republican National Committee.

I don't like the sound of that at all.

When that election happened, I was actually going to law school down in Florida, and it was complete and utter madness.

In the end, Bush's legal team was superior to Gore's, and that may have made all the difference.

This time around, both sides have recruited "armies of volunteer lawyers" in the key battleground states...

President Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joseph R. Biden's campaigns have enlisted armies of volunteer lawyers in battleground states and swing districts to fight out close calls on Election Day. Both sides have already filed multiple lawsuits.

The Biden campaign has been particularly aggressive in rounding up lawyers.  At one point, Biden bragged that his campaign had already recruited 600 lawyers...

Joe Biden's campaign is assembling hundreds of lawyers nationwide to monitor potential voting issues as part of its extensive voter protection efforts heading into the general election.

Speaking at a virtual fundraiser Wednesday, the presumptive Democratic nominee said his team has organized 600 lawyers and others across the country to "try to figure out why the chicanery is likely to take place."

One of the fastest ways to ruin anything is to get lawyers involved.

I was once a lawyer, and so I know what I am talking about.

If the election had been held a couple of months ago, Joe Biden probably would have won by a large margin, but now everything is changing.

At this point it appears that we could have a very tight election with legal challenges that could last for months afterwards.  If such a scenario plays out, that could definitely set the stage for the sort of civil unrest that I warn about in my new book.

Could you imagine the national temper tantrum that we would see if Trump has a very, very narrow lead after election night?

Of course the left will pull out every legal trick in the book in order to try to deny Trump a second term, and Trump has his own army of lawyers ready to fight back.

I have a feeling that things are going to get very, very ugly, and that is extremely unfortunate.


Also please remember that Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House could be named as Interim President if the legal battle rages for months with neither candidate conceding.

I know we have quoted Jesus' words numerous times and while we know He is referencing Satan's kingdom when he speaks these words, we have to say them again as we look at the divide in America;

Mark 3:24   If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

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