
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Covid Satire, Here’s Your Laugh for the Day

 Some of you may have seen this YouTube comedian.  If not he’s pretty clever at using the daily news to make satirical comedy.  The video I will post below is his schtick on the news earlier this week that 94% of Covid deaths had other serious health problems, meaning on 6% of “Covid deaths” were caused by Covid alone.

So it’s comedy but based in truth...which is the definition of satire.

Watch it here;

What’s really scary is that Facebook and other social media outlets are not allowing this video to be shared!  Since when in America can comedy skits not be shared?  Well, I guess now.  And what might that tell us about the powerful Leftists who run media and social media?  They NEED people to stay scared of Covid!  And laughing at anything to do with it risks that people might not take the death counts seriously.

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